What’s the Best Time of Year to Build a House?
This is a great question but it doesn’t have just one correct answer. Let’s look at some factors that affect building a home.
- What impact could the weather have?
- Will there be material issues during certain seasons?
- What about labor delays due to the Holidays or vacation time?
Down Side of Spring Construction
The spring can be a tough time to start building a house in Oklahoma due to the unpredictable weather. Spring rains can cause delays in the building process, especially with pouring concrete. Higher material cost and availability can play a role with home building in the Spring; therefore, starting your project in the Spring may push moving into your new home to around the Thanksgiving holiday.
If You Can Skip Summer
The weather is usually more cooperative and the days are longer so the work can progress at a faster rate. The downside is it is usually the peak season for construction causing material and labor costs to run higher and may affect availability. Your move-in date will probably be close to mid-winter.
Fall/Winter is the Best Time to Build
If you’re looking for the best price, the fall and winter months may be the best time of year to start a new home. Material costs are generally lower due to slower demand. Some suppliers even offer “deals” to move products as the end of the year approaches. It’s likely you’ll find better pricing on things like appliances, light fixtures, even flooring.
While the weather may have a slightly adverse effect, if you are willing to wait a few weeks longer for things to complete, and don’t mind walking through a little mud or snow, your new home should be ready in the early spring!
Ultimately the answer to the question ‘When is the best time of year to build a house’ is whenever you are ready to do so. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a free consultation.